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20+ Tips from a Senior .NET Developer - Tips to Write Cleaner, Faster, and More Maintainable .NET Code


Over the years, working with .NET has taught me more than just how to write code. The real lessons came from debugging impossible issues at 2 AM, struggling with messy legacy code, and learning the hard way what not to do. Some mistakes were painful—but they shaped the way I build software today.

Before diving deep into ASP.NET Core Web APIs, it’s critical to master the fundamentals. These are the lessons no tutorial or documentation will teach you—they come from real-world experience, from mistakes made and problems solved.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been working with .NET for years, these 20 essential tips will help you write cleaner, faster, and more maintainable applications. If you want to build robust, scalable APIs and truly level up your .NET skills, pay close attention—this will save you years of trial and error.

If you find these tips valuable, share them with your colleagues—help them avoid the mistakes many of us had to learn the hard way! 🚀

1. Master the Fundamentals

Before jumping into complex frameworks and design patterns, it’s crucial to have a strong understanding of the fundamentals. A solid grasp of C#, .NET Core, and ASP.NET will make it much easier to build scalable, maintainable applications.

Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • C# language features like generics, delegates, async/await, LINQ, and pattern matching.
  • Object-oriented programming principles, including SOLID, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
  • .NET 8+ essentials such as dependency injection, the request pipeline, middleware, configuration management, and Minimal APIs and so much more!
  • Data structures and algorithms, covering lists, dictionaries, trees, and sorting techniques.
  • Effective error handling and debugging with exception management and Visual Studio tools.

Mastering these areas will not only improve your development skills but also make it easier to adapt to new technologies and industry changes. The tech may change to any extend, but the above mentioned concepts will remain the same forever!

2. Follow Clean Code Principles

Writing clean, maintainable code isn’t just about making things work—it’s about making them easy to read, understand, and extend. Clever hacks might save a few lines of code today, but they often lead to confusion and unnecessary complexity down the road.

A key principle to follow is the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Methods should do one thing and do it well. Large, multi-purpose methods become difficult to debug and maintain. Instead of writing lengthy blocks of logic, break them down into smaller, reusable functions.

Another crucial aspect is meaningful naming. Variable, method, and class names should clearly express their purpose. If you need to add a comment to explain what a method does, its name is probably not descriptive enough.

Here’s an example of bad code that violates these principles:

public void ProcessData(string d)
var x = d.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
if (x[i].Contains("error"))
Console.WriteLine("Found error!");

At first glance, it’s hard to tell what this method is doing. The variable names are vague, and the logic is all packed into one method, making it difficult to modify.

Now, here’s a better approach:

public void ProcessLogs(string logData)
var logEntries = ParseLogEntries(logData);
foreach (var entry in logEntries)
if (IsError(entry))
Console.WriteLine("Found error!");
private string[] ParseLogEntries(string logData)
return logData.Split(',');
private bool IsError(string logEntry)
return logEntry.Contains("error");

This version improves readability and maintainability by breaking down responsibilities into separate methods. The naming is clear, and each function does one specific thing.

Clean code isn’t just about aesthetics—it directly impacts the efficiency of your development process. Small improvements in structure, naming, and organization can make a massive difference in long-term maintainability.

3. Understand Dependency Injection - IMPORTANT!

Dependency Injection (DI) is one of the most powerful features in .NET, yet many developers either underuse or misuse it. At its core, DI helps manage dependencies efficiently, leading to better testability, flexibility, and maintainability. Instead of hardcoding dependencies, DI allows us to inject them where needed, reducing tight coupling between components.

One of the biggest mistakes developers make is directly instantiating dependencies within a class. This makes the code rigid and difficult to test. Consider this example:

Bad Example (Tightly Coupled Code)

public class OrderService
private readonly EmailService _emailService;
public OrderService()
_emailService = new EmailService();
public void ProcessOrder()
// Process order logic

Here, OrderService directly creates an instance of EmailService. If we ever need to change EmailService (e.g., replace it with a different implementation), we’ll have to modify this class, violating the Open/Closed Principle. Testing also becomes harder since EmailService is tightly coupled.

Better Approach (Using Dependency Injection)

public class OrderService
private readonly IEmailService _emailService;
public OrderService(IEmailService emailService)
_emailService = emailService;
public void ProcessOrder()
// Process order logic

By injecting IEmailService, we make OrderService flexible and easier to test. Now, we can pass in different implementations of IEmailService without modifying OrderService.

Registering Dependencies in .NET Core

To make this work in an ASP.NET Core application, register dependencies in the DI container:

builder.Services.AddScoped<IEmailService, EmailService>();

Now, when OrderService is requested, the framework automatically injects an instance of IEmailService.

Dependency Injection is not just about cleaner code—it’s about writing scalable, testable applications. The sooner you embrace it, the easier it becomes to manage dependencies across your projects.

4. Use Asynchronous Programming Wisely

Asynchronous programming in .NET, powered by async and await, helps improve application responsiveness and scalability. However, misusing it can lead to performance bottlenecks, deadlocks, or excessive thread usage. Knowing when and how to use async programming is crucial.

One of the biggest mistakes developers make is blocking asynchronous code. Consider this example:

Bad Example (Blocking Async Code)

public void ProcessData()
var result = GetData().Result; // Blocks the thread
public async Task<string> GetData()
await Task.Delay(1000);
return "Data retrieved";

Here, calling .Result forces the method to wait for GetData() to complete, potentially causing deadlocks in UI or web applications.

Better Approach (Fully Async Code)

public async Task ProcessData()
var result = await GetData();

Now, ProcessData() remains asynchronous, allowing the thread to be used elsewhere while waiting for GetData() to complete.

Avoid Async Overhead When Not Needed

Not every method needs to be asynchronous. If an operation is CPU-bound and does not involve I/O, making it async can introduce unnecessary overhead.

Bad Example (Unnecessary Async Usage)

public async Task<int> Compute()
return await Task.FromResult(Calculate());
private int Calculate()
return 42;

Here, Task.FromResult is pointless because Calculate() is purely CPU-bound. Instead, keep it synchronous:

public int Compute()
return Calculate();

Use ConfigureAwait(false) in Libraries

When writing library code, use ConfigureAwait(false) to avoid capturing the calling context, which can improve performance in non-UI applications:

public async Task<string> FetchData()
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);
return "Data loaded";

Asynchronous programming is a powerful tool, but it should be used wisely. Avoid blocking calls, keep CPU-bound code synchronous, and be mindful of unnecessary async overhead. When used correctly, async programming leads to faster, more scalable applications.

5. Log Everything That Matters

Logging is one of the most important aspects of building and maintaining a reliable application. It helps with debugging, monitoring, and diagnosing issues, especially in production environments. However, excessive logging or logging the wrong information can be just as harmful as having no logs at all.

A common mistake is logging everything at the information level, flooding log files with unnecessary details while missing critical failures. Another mistake is logging sensitive data, which can pose security risks.

A good logging strategy involves:

  • Logging at appropriate levels:
    • Debug for deep insights useful in development
    • Information for general application flow
    • Warning for potential issues that need attention
    • Error for failures that need immediate action
    • Critical for system-breaking issues
  • Including contextual information to help diagnose issues faster. For example, instead of logging just an error message, log relevant request details, user IDs, or correlation IDs.

Here’s a bad example of logging:

_logger.LogInformation("Processing request...");
_logger.LogInformation($"User: {user.Email}");
_logger.LogInformation("Request processed successfully.");

This logs too much unnecessary information, potentially exposing sensitive data.

A better approach would be:

_logger.LogInformation("Processing request for user {UserId}", user.Id);

This provides useful context without exposing private information.

For structured logging, using Serilog or other libraries allows logging to JSON and sending logs to platforms like AWS CloudWatch, Elastic Stack, or Application Insights:

Log.Information("Order {OrderId} processed successfully at {Timestamp}", order.Id, DateTime.UtcNow);

I always prefer to use Serilog as my go-to library for handling logging concerns in my .NET Solutions.

Well-structured logging makes troubleshooting faster and helps maintain application health. Log everything that matters, not everything you can.

6. Embrace Entity Framework Core, But Use It Smartly

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) simplifies database access in .NET applications, reducing the need for raw SQL and boilerplate code. However, blindly relying on it without understanding how it works under the hood can lead to performance issues.

One of the most common mistakes developers make is not optimizing queries. EF Core provides powerful features like lazy loading and automatic change tracking, but if used incorrectly, they can cause unnecessary database hits.

Take this example:

Bad Example (Unoptimized Query)

var users = _context.Users.ToList();

If there are thousands of users in the database, this query will load all of them into memory, potentially crashing the application. Instead, always filter queries at the database level:

Better Approach (Optimized Query)

var users = await _context.Users
.Where(u => u.IsActive)

Another mistake is overusing lazy loading, which can lead to the “N+1 query problem.” This happens when EF Core loads related entities one by one instead of fetching them in a single query.

Bad Example (Lazy Loading Causing N+1 Queries)

var users = await _context.Users.ToListAsync();
foreach (var user in users)
Console.WriteLine(user.Orders.Count); // Triggers separate queries for each user

This results in multiple queries—one to get the users and separate queries for each user’s orders. Instead, use eager loading to fetch related data efficiently:

Better Approach (Using Include to Prevent N+1 Queries)

var users = await _context.Users
.Include(u => u.Orders)

Paginate Large Datasets

Fetching large datasets at once can slow down applications and exhaust memory. Use pagination with Skip() and Take() to load data in chunks.

Bad Example (Fetching All Records at Once)

var users = await _context.Users.ToListAsync();

Better Approach (Using Pagination to Fetch Only a Subset of Data)

var users = await _context.Users
.OrderBy(u => u.Id)
.Skip(pageNumber * pageSize)

This ensures only a limited number of records are retrieved at a time, improving performance.

Be Mindful of Change Tracking

By default, EF Core tracks all retrieved entities, which can cause high memory usage when dealing with large datasets. If you don’t need to update the data, disable change tracking using AsNoTracking().

Bad Example (Unnecessary Change Tracking for Read-Only Queries)

var users = await _context.Users.ToListAsync();

Better Approach (Using AsNoTracking for Performance Boost in Read-Only Queries)

var users = await _context.Users.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();

This prevents EF Core from tracking changes, reducing memory usage and improving query speed.

Use Indexes for Faster Lookups

Indexes significantly speed up query performance, especially for filtering and sorting operations. Ensure that commonly searched columns, such as Email or CreatedAt, have indexes.

Example: Adding an Index in EF Core

.HasIndex(u => u.Email)

This improves performance when querying users by email.

EF Core is a powerful ORM, but it’s essential to use it smartly. Always fetch only the data you need, avoid unnecessary database hits, and understand how EF Core translates LINQ queries into SQL. A well-optimized EF Core implementation leads to better performance and scalability.

Honestly, there are tons of ways to optimize EF Core Queries and Commands. I have just added a few of them here. Let me know in the comments section if you need a separate article for it.

7. Cancellation Tokens are IMPORTANT

In .NET applications, especially those dealing with long-running operations, cancellation tokens play a crucial role in improving responsiveness, efficiency, and resource management. Without proper cancellation handling, your application may continue running unnecessary tasks, leading to wasted CPU cycles, memory leaks, or even degraded performance under heavy load.

Why Are Cancellation Tokens Important?

  1. Efficient Resource Utilization
    • Long-running operations that are no longer needed should be stopped immediately. Cancellation tokens allow you to gracefully terminate these operations without consuming unnecessary CPU and memory.
  2. Better User Experience
    • In web applications, if a user navigates away or cancels an operation (like a file upload or an API request), the backend should respect this and stop processing instead of continuing needlessly.
  3. Prevents Performance Bottlenecks
    • Without cancellation, background tasks can pile up and slow down the system. Properly handling cancellation ensures the application doesn’t get overloaded with unnecessary tasks.
  4. Graceful Shutdown Handling
    • When an application is shutting down, background tasks should stop gracefully instead of being forcefully terminated. Cancellation tokens provide a structured way to do this.

Example: Using Cancellation Tokens in an API

When working with ASP.NET Core, the framework automatically provides a cancellation token for API endpoints. You should always pass it down to async methods to ensure proper request termination.

Bad Example (Ignoring Cancellation)

public async Task<IActionResult> LongRunningTask()
await Task.Delay(5000); // Simulating long task
return Ok("Task Completed");

Here, if the user cancels the request, the server still processes the full 5-second delay, wasting resources. In real world scenarios, this could be even a very costly database query.

Better Example (Using Cancellation Tokens)

public async Task<IActionResult> LongRunningTask(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await Task.Delay(5000, cancellationToken); // Task can be canceled
return Ok("Task Completed");
catch (TaskCanceledException)
return StatusCode(499, "Client closed request"); // 499 is a common status for client cancellations

Here, if the client cancels the request, the Task.Delay throws a TaskCanceledException, and the operation stops immediately.

Example: Passing Cancellation Token to Database Queries

If you’re executing database queries using Entity Framework Core, always pass the cancellation token:

var users = await _context.Users
.Where(u => u.IsActive)

This ensures that if the request is canceled, the database query also stops execution, preventing unnecessary load on the database.

Handling Cancellation in Background Tasks

When running background tasks in worker services or hosted services, cancellation tokens ensure they stop gracefully when the application shuts down.

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
await DoWorkAsync(stoppingToken);
await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);

Here, the loop checks stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested to exit gracefully instead of continuing indefinitely.

Proper use of cancellation tokens leads to better performance, improved user experience, and more efficient resource management in .NET applications.

8. Optimize Database for Performance (Using Dapper)

Optimizing database performance goes beyond just writing efficient queries—it involves designing indexes, structuring data correctly, and minimizing bottlenecks. While Dapper is a micro-ORM that offers better control over SQL queries, database optimization is still crucial to achieving high performance.

Use Proper Indexing

Indexes speed up data retrieval by reducing the number of rows scanned in a query. Without indexes, queries perform full table scans, which can be extremely slow for large tables.

Example: Creating an Index on a Frequently Queried Column

CREATE INDEX IX_Users_Email ON Users (Email);

This index improves the performance of queries that filter users by email:

var user = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<User>(
"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = @Email", new { Email = email });

However, avoid over-indexing, as each index adds overhead for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

Avoid Unnecessary Queries with Caching

If data doesn’t change frequently, reduce database calls by caching results. Use Redis or in-memory caching for frequently accessed data.

Example: Fetch from Cache Before Querying Database

var cachedUsers = memoryCache.Get<List<User>>("users");
if (cachedUsers == null)
cachedUsers = (await connection.QueryAsync<User>("SELECT * FROM Users")).ToList();
memoryCache.Set("users", cachedUsers, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

This reduces redundant queries and improves response time.

Database optimization is just as important as writing efficient code. Even with Dapper’s lightweight approach, poorly designed queries can still slow down an application. A well-optimized database ensures faster performance, lower resource usage, and better scalability.

9. Learn RESTful API Best Practices

Building well-structured, efficient, and maintainable APIs is a critical skill for .NET developers. A poorly designed API can lead to performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and a frustrating developer experience.

I’ve already covered 13+ RESTful API best practices in a previous article, where I discussed topics like proper endpoint design, authentication, versioning, and response handling. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s a must-read.

Beyond those fundamentals, here are a few additional best practices to keep in mind:

  • Optimize for Performance – Use caching, compression, and pagination to prevent overloading your API and improve response times.
  • Implement Rate Limiting – Protect your API from abuse by enforcing rate limits to prevent excessive requests from a single client.
  • Ensure Security – Use HTTPS, validate all inputs, and never expose sensitive information in error messages.
  • Use ProblemDetails for Error Responses – Instead of generic error messages, provide structured error responses using the ProblemDetails format for better debugging.
  • Monitor and Log API Calls – Capture key metrics, request logs, and failure rates to proactively identify issues and optimize API performance.

API design is not just about making things work—it’s about making them scalable, secure, and easy to use. Mastering best practices will save you time, reduce technical debt, and create APIs that developers love to work with.

10. Handle Exceptions Gracefully

Exception handling is more than just wrapping code in a try-catch block. A well-structured approach ensures your application remains stable, provides meaningful error messages, and doesn’t expose sensitive details. Poor exception handling can lead to unhandled crashes, performance issues, and security risks.

One of the biggest mistakes developers make is catching all exceptions without proper handling:

Bad Example (Swallowing Exceptions)

var result = await _repository.GetDataAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
// Silent failure, nothing logged

Here, if something goes wrong, the error is ignored, making debugging impossible.

Better Approach (Logging and Throwing Meaningful Errors)

var result = await _repository.GetDataAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Error while fetching data");
throw new ApplicationException("An unexpected error occurred, please try again later.");

This approach ensures errors are logged for debugging while returning a generic message to the caller instead of exposing raw exceptions.

Use Global Exception Handling

Instead of handling exceptions in every controller, set up global exception handling using middleware. I have written a super detailed guide about Global Exception Handling in ASP.NET Core with IExceptionHandler (.NET 8). It’s highly recommended that you read this article.

Use ProblemDetails for Consistent Error Responses

Instead of returning generic 500 Internal Server Error messages, use ProblemDetails to provide structured error responses:

var problem = new ProblemDetails
Status = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError,
Title = "An unexpected error occurred",
Detail = "Please contact support with the error ID: 12345"
return StatusCode(problem.Status.Value, problem);

A well-implemented exception handling strategy improves debugging, security, and user experience, making your application more robust and maintainable.

11. Write Unit & Integration Tests

Testing is essential for building reliable and maintainable applications. Unit tests focus on testing individual components, while integration tests verify that multiple parts of the system work together as expected.

Trust me, I have avoided writing test cases for a very long time, and regreted it later!

Unit Tests

Unit tests should be fast and independent. Instead of using a mocking framework, create handwritten fakes or stubs to isolate dependencies.

Example: Testing a Service Without a Mocking Library

public class FakeUserRepository : IUserRepository
public Task<User> GetUser(int id) => Task.FromResult(new User { Id = id, Name = "John" });
public async Task GetUser_ReturnsValidUser()
var repository = new FakeUserRepository();
var service = new UserService(repository);
var user = await service.GetUser(1);
Assert.Equal("John", user.Name);

Integration Tests

Integration tests ensure that components work together, such as API endpoints interacting with databases. ASP.NET Core’s WebApplicationFactory makes it easy to test APIs without a running server.

var client = _factory.CreateClient();
var response = await client.GetAsync("/api/users/1");
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

Key Takeaways

  • Unit tests should be isolated and fast, using handwritten fakes instead of mocking libraries
  • Integration tests verify how different components interact
  • Automate tests in CI/CD pipelines to catch issues early

Testing ensures code reliability, easier debugging, and long-term maintainability.

12. Use Background Services for Long-Running Tasks

For long-running or scheduled tasks, ASP.NET Core provides Hosted Services, while Hangfire and Quartz.NET offer advanced job scheduling capabilities. Choosing the right tool depends on your use case.

Built-in Hosted Services (BackgroundService)

For simple background tasks, implement BackgroundService in ASP.NET Core.

public class DataSyncService : BackgroundService
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
await SyncDataAsync();
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), stoppingToken);

Register it in Program.cs:


Hangfire (Persistent Background Jobs)

Hangfire is great for fire-and-forget, delayed, and recurring tasks with persistent storage. It provides a dashboard for job monitoring.

RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => Console.WriteLine("Running task..."), Cron.Hourly);

Quartz.NET (Advanced Scheduling)

Quartz.NET is a powerful cron-based job scheduler that supports complex schedules, dependencies, and clustering.

ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.DailyAtHourAndMinute(10, 0))

When to Use What?

  • BackgroundService → Simple, lightweight, continuous tasks
  • Hangfire → Persistent jobs, retry mechanisms, and monitoring
  • Quartz.NET → Complex job scheduling with dependencies

Choosing the right background processing strategy ensures scalability, efficiency, and reliability in your applications.

13. Secure Your Applications

Security is a critical aspect of application development. Ignoring best practices can lead to vulnerabilities, data breaches, and unauthorized access. Implementing proper authentication, protecting sensitive data, and enforcing security controls should be a top priority.

Never Hardcode Secrets

Hardcoding API keys, database credentials, or tokens in your code is a major security risk. Instead, use secure storage solutions:

  • Environment Variables (for local development)
  • Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager (for cloud-based secret management)
  • User-Secrets in .NET for local development (dotnet user-secrets)

Example: Using Environment Variables for Connection Strings

var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_CONNECTION_STRING");

Implement Proper Authentication & Authorization

  • Use OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect for authentication (e.g., IdentityServer, Keycloak, Azure AD)
  • Use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure API authentication
  • Apply role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict user actions

Example: Protecting an API Endpoint with Authorization

[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public IActionResult GetSecureData() => Ok("Access Granted");

Configure CORS Properly

Incorrect CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) settings can expose your API to unauthorized requests. Restrict origins instead of allowing *.

Bad Example (Too Open)

app.UseCors(builder => builder.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader());

Better Approach (Restrict to Trusted Domains)

app.UseCors(builder => builder.WithOrigins("")
.AllowMethods("GET", "POST")

Key Takeaways

  • Never hardcode secrets—use environment variables or secret managers
  • Use OAuth, JWT, and RBAC for secure authentication & authorization
  • Restrict CORS to prevent unauthorized cross-origin requests

Securing applications from the start prevents data leaks, unauthorized access, and compliance issues. Always follow security best practices to keep your application and users safe.

14. Learn Caching Strategies

Caching is one of the most effective ways to improve application performance, reduce database load, and enhance scalability. By storing frequently accessed data in memory or a distributed cache, you can significantly speed up response times and optimize resource usage.

I have already covered how to implement caching using MemoryCache, Redis, and CDN caching in a previous article, where I also explained when to use each approach. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend checking it out.

Read them here:

To summarize:

  • MemoryCache is best for single-instance applications that require fast, in-memory data storage.
  • Distributed Cache (Redis, SQL Server Cache) is essential for multi-instance applications where data consistency across servers is needed.
  • CDN Caching is ideal for serving static content and API responses globally, reducing latency for users.

Hybrid Caching is something you need to learn as well, since it handles some of the problems that arise with the other caching strategies. I will post an artilce on it soon!

Choosing the right caching strategy depends on your application’s architecture and performance requirements. Implementing caching effectively ensures faster response times, lower database load, and a better user experience.

15. Avoid Overusing Reflection & Dynamic Code

Reflection allows inspecting and manipulating types at runtime, making it a powerful tool in .NET. However, excessive use of reflection can lead to performance issues, reduced maintainability, and increased complexity.

Reflection is significantly slower than direct method calls because it bypasses compile-time optimizations. It also makes debugging harder since errors may only surface at runtime.

Dynamic code, such as dynamic types in C#, can introduce similar risks by bypassing static type checking, leading to unexpected runtime errors.

When to Use Reflection or Dynamic Code

  • When working with plugins or extensibility where types are not known at compile time.
  • When serializing or mapping objects dynamically (though libraries like AutoMapper often provide better solutions).
  • When interacting with legacy code or external assemblies that require reflection-based access.

When to Avoid It

  • In performance-critical code where method calls happen frequently.
  • When strong typing can be used instead, ensuring compile-time safety.
  • When alternatives like generics, interfaces, or dependency injection can achieve the same result without reflection.

Reflection is a tool best used sparingly. If you find yourself relying on it often, consider refactoring your approach for better performance and maintainability.

16. Use Polly for Resilience & Retry Policies

Building resilient applications is crucial, especially when dealing with external services, databases, or APIs that may fail intermittently. Microsoft Resilience (Polly) provides an easy way to handle transient failures with retry policies, circuit breakers, and timeouts.

With .NET 8, resilience is easier to integrate than ever. Microsoft.Extensions.Resilience and Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Resilience, built on top of Polly, provide a seamless way to implement retry policies, circuit breakers, and timeouts. These extensions simplify handling transient failures, making applications more robust and reliable with minimal configuration.

  • Retry Policies help automatically retry failed operations due to temporary issues like network timeouts.
  • Circuit Breakers prevent excessive retries when a system is unresponsive, allowing it to recover before retrying.
  • Timeout Policies ensure that slow operations don’t block application performance.
  • Bulkhead Isolation limits the number of concurrent requests to prevent system overload.

Microsoft Resilience makes your applications more fault-tolerant, stable, and capable of handling real-world failures without affecting the user experience.

17. Automate Deployment with CI/CD

Manual deployments are inefficient and error-prone. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) streamlines the process by automating builds, tests, and releases, ensuring consistency and reliability.

I have already covered how to set up CI/CD using GitHub Actions in a previous article. If you haven’t automated your deployment workflow yet, now is the time to do it.

To summarize:

  • CI (Continuous Integration) ensures that every code change is built and tested automatically.
  • CD (Continuous Deployment) enables seamless releases with minimal manual intervention.
  • GitHub Actions provides an easy and flexible way to automate workflows directly from your repository.
  • Automated testing and security checks help catch issues early, improving software quality.

A properly configured CI/CD pipeline saves time, reduces risks, and accelerates delivery, making deployments smooth and hassle-free.

18. Keep Up with .NET Updates

.NET evolves rapidly. Stay updated with the latest improvements, performance enhancements, and security patches. Today is 21st March, 2025, and at the time of writing this article, we already have the Preview 2 Release of .NET 10. And I, for sure know that there are many organization who are yet to migrate to .NET 8 or even .NET 6. Overtime this leads to a larger tech debt and maintaining outdated frameworks becomes a challenge. The longer you delay upgrades, the harder it gets to keep up with modern development practices, security fixes, and performance improvements.

Upgrading to the latest .NET versions ensures that you benefit from faster execution, reduced memory usage, and new language features that make development more efficient. Even if your organization isn’t ready for the latest release, staying on a supported LTS version like .NET 8 is crucial to avoid security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.

To stay ahead:

  • Regularly follow Microsoft’s .NET blog and release notes
  • Experiment with preview versions in non-production environments
  • Plan upgrades incrementally to avoid last-minute migrations

Adopting new versions early helps you future-proof applications, reduce tech debt, and take full advantage of .NET’s evolving ecosystem.

19. Use Feature Flags for Safer Releases

Feature flags allow you to enable, disable, or roll out new features gradually without redeploying your application. This makes releases safer by reducing risks and enabling controlled experimentation.

Instead of relying on long-lived branches or risky full deployments, you can wrap new functionality in a feature flag and enable it selectively for specific users or environments. This approach helps in:

  • Gradual rollouts – Test new features with a small user group before a full release.
  • Instant rollbacks – Disable a faulty feature without redeploying.
  • A/B testing – Compare different feature versions to optimize user experience.

In .NET, tools like Microsoft.FeatureManagement make it easy to integrate feature flags into your application. Implementing this strategy ensures safer, controlled deployments while minimizing disruption to users.

20. Never Stop Learning

.NET is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires continuous learning. New frameworks, performance optimizations, and best practices emerge regularly, making it essential to keep refining your skills.

Reading blogs, watching conference talks, and experimenting with new .NET features will help you stay relevant. Contributing to open source projects not only deepens your understanding but also connects you with the community. Engaging in discussions on GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn exposes you to real-world challenges and solutions.

If you’re serious about mastering .NET, make sure to follow me on LinkedIn, where I regularly share insights, best practices, and deep dives into .NET development. Also, check out my free course, “.NET Web API Zero to Hero”, designed to help developers build production-ready APIs from scratch.

The best developers are those who never stop learning—stay curious, stay engaged, and keep building! 🚀

Wrapping Up

These 20 tips come from years of hands-on experience with .NET, and applying them will help you write cleaner, more efficient, and scalable applications. But this is just the beginning.

This article is part of my .NET Web API Zero to Hero course, where I take you through everything you need to build production-ready APIs—from fundamentals to advanced techniques. If you found these insights valuable, don’t stop here.

👉 Enroll in the course now and level up your .NET skills!

Happy Coding. Let’s keep learning and building together! 🚀

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